Adverb activities


Submitted by:   Paulette Romano  

Adverbs tell how things are done. Most adverbs are formed by adding "ly" to an adjective. The following is a list of activities to be used with "ly" adverbs.

Students can create a small journal to save and use when they are in need of finding useful adverbs for a writing assignment. I have also provided a long list of these adverbs at the bottom of this message.

1) Pick out ten words from the list which you do not know and look up their meanings in a dictionary. Copy the words and definitions into a journal. Now that you know the meaning of the words, use each in a meaningful sentence.

2) Some of the words have similar meanings (eg. rapidly and swiftly). See how many matching pairs you can find. Underline or circle which word in each pair you would use over the other.

3) Select ten adverbs. Change them back into adjectives. List ten of your own adjectives. Turn them back into adverbs. Check the dictionary to see if you used the correct spelling.

4) Any action verb you use could have an adverb. Write the same sentence five times but change the adverb each time to change the meaning of your sentence.

(eg. She got up energetically; She got up carefully; She got up frantically; She got up calmly; She got up reluctantly).

Take one of your sentences and expand the idea.

5) Adverbs are an easy way to add sentence variety to your writing. Create ten sentences that start with an adverb.

List of Adverbs

tightly calmly apprehensively politely warily slyly angrily firmly sadly idly suspiciously jauntily furtively awkwardly cunningly cautiously furiously relentlessly dejectedly swiftly morosely shiftily sheepishly gracefully anxiously carefully slyly guiltily obviously deftly rapidly nervously nimbly nonchalantly stealthily craftily placidly grimly wickedly cruelly eagerly stubbornly daintily clumsily sedately gently frantically jocularly sternly jovially viciously truthfully meanly sharply restlessly menacingly urgently maliciously valiantly fiercely boldly joyfully monstrously desperately bravely luckily mysteriously tragically hurriedly willingly falsely crazily lovingly bashfully threateningly eloquently peculiarly regrettably seriously obliviously merrily admittedly suddenly obstinately devilishly drolly faithfully haughtily grimly gutsily gradually graciously edgily ecstatically devotedly lazily morosely proudly arrogantly feebly.

