End of
Year Activities
#1Have everyone bring their favorite board game from home, Scrabble, Outburst,
Life, checkers, etc. The more the merrier. Set up challenge game
areas keeping score as various partners play against each other. Have
high scores posted for each game by the end of the day. Lots of the kids
just want to watch; so make sure everyone signs up somewhere in the mix.
#2 For 5th graders one year, we had a Room 5 Olympics. Kids thought of
the categories (longest hair, fastest recitation of the pledge of allegiance,
biggest foot, smallest writing) you get the idea. Contestants signed up,
everyone had to have at least 2 or 3 signups. The kids did all the
measuring and whatever else it took to determine the winner. Lots of on
task pandemonium!
#3 Our school has one of those quiz-o-matic machines where 2 teams of
kids play off in a quiz show format. I had the kids make questions using
all the info (textbooks as a resource) that we studied during the year.
Part of the AM could be kids searching for good questions! 5 kids on a
team. 10-15 questions per round before switching teams. There are
lots of trivia kinds of games out there for extra questions; the key is to
have lots of questions
that haven't been used.
Hint: If you don't have a quiz-o-matic machine, have 5 chairs lined up on each
side facing the audience, score keeper in the middle with a clipboard.
After you read the question, the first person to stand and shout (gently)
his/her name is the answerer. Any one of the 10 people who try to answer
before you acknowledge the answerer is disqualified. It isn't as obvious
the machine buzzer thingy, but it works in a pinch. Just be sure that
you are the one in control of deciding who stood and yelled their name first.
Don't let them argue with you; they are so excited to play, that if you stick
to disqualifying them if they argue, or answer out, it will work!
Submitted by Jan Creasey
This site describes a baseball game similar to the one Fred Jones
recommends as a PAT activity (Preferred Activity Time). It would be good
for a couple of hours of engaged student time and the kids love it. You
can have them spend the first hour writing questions based on things they've
learned this year. They write them on index cards and write questions
ranging from easy to challenging. A single is the easiest, progressing
through double, triple and homerun--the most challenging. When they
write their questions they also have to write the answer and where they found
it (great review activity). Then the entire class plays the baseball
game using their questions. It's a lot of fun and provides a great
review for things they have learned during the year. We found it works best if
you divide the class into teams first and then when you collect their
questions, you use the questions from the other team for the game. That
way a team is not getting the questions they wrote and it makes it more
fair. They can use textbooks, class notes, study guides or worksheets as
the source of their questions. It's worth a try :-) Good luck with
your lockdown!
A Flexible, Adaptable Game to Motivate Your Students
Submitted by Peggy George
#1.Play a game like Jeopardy and review lessons taught during the year. Place
students in groups and take turns. Pass a paper ball to the next group.
Let the students make up the questions one week and place them in the
appropriate Jeopardy category that Class decided upon. Before game
starts, mix 'em up good-the questions, that is. And of course, type up all the
questions and share with us---just kidding (ha!)
#2.In groups or individually at first, then get in groups to compare and
decide on, say, 3-5 of the people.
1. Letter your paper A-Z (just like numbering, etc.)
2. Think of a famous person for each letter.
3. Choose 3 -5 people to research and compare and contrast.
4. Find 1 URL that gives information about each person.
5. Locate the following information for each person:
A. Full name
B. Birth date/place
C. Current status (alive or dead)
D. Educational background
E. Achievement(s) (up to 5)
F. Honors and Recognitions
G. Contributions to their "native" society/world
H. Name 2 other people just like them.
I. Locate a quotation by each
J. Explain the quotation or rewrite/explain/interpret so all
K. Write a sentence or two on what you will remember most about
this person.
L. Create on an index card 3-5 clues about your person that
will hear to try to guess the person.
Write name on back.
M. Turn in all cards to be placed in a bag for an activity
Submitted by Bob Leslie
End of year or anytime game. Make a 12 x12 grid out of poster board.
Fill in the spaces with red, blue, green, yellow and black sticky dots
(or color in your own). Then make up some coordinate pair cards for the
grid. (This takes the most time, but lasts forever). I use it to play
baseball when we are reviewing in Social Studies. Once a question is read and
the answer given, the student picks a coordinate pair out of the basket. Then
they find that spot on
the grid. The red is a single, the blue is a double, the yellow is a
triple, and the green is a home run. If you land on a black it is an
out, 3 outs and your team is out and the other team is up. We have a lot of
fun with it, and it reinforces math as well as SS or whatever else you want to
Submitted by Ruth Crowley
What about a spelling scramble.... taking the words from your spelling program
and scrambling them.... as the teams finish they earn so many points...
How about a *for fun* search in social studies... open book...give them a list
of dates or people... and they have to either match them or create a skit
about a person on their sheet...
Submitted by Avis Breding

Exchanging Classes
One of the things we are planning to do this year (new) is exchange classes
with the kindergarten teachers. I mean really exchange them. The K are coming
to my room and we are going to the K room. Kids will get to remember what it
was like when. We haven't decided if we are exchanging teachers also, but it's
in the back of our mind.
Submitted by Stacy

Fun Day
The second to last day of school is FUN DAY for our fifth graders. The parents
organize the entire event. Their gift to the teachers is to give us time to do
our records. Every hour we go out and check out all the "fun" the
kids are having and just smile when the parents tell us what hard work it is
to keep the kids entertained for the day. They break for lunch, usually tacos,
pizza, and a huge sheet cake for dessert (they are so stuffed the cake is
always left over). After lunch we go to the gym where a group of teachers (the
specials) always do a lip sync program and the kids watch a video that was
made of them. Then back to the cafeteria where the students receive their
certificate of recognition (pictures please) and class pictures from the HSA.
The students pay 15.00 for a t-shirt and the luncheon and other gifts given
throughout the day.
We consider the time off a fabulous gift to us.
Submitted by Stacy

We do an end of the year trip each year. We used to do it only for the
6th grade, but last year we did it for all of the middle school. We used to
have several fundraisers (we sold candy, suckers, jewelry, and strawberries)
The students got to sell as much as they wanted and got the money they made
taken off their bus cost and ticket cost. Any extra they got the day of the
trip for spending money. Now we have a break each morning and students can buy
snacks. The money made goes to pay for the trip.
Last year we went to Islands of Adventure. This year we will go to
Universal Studios in Orlando.
Teachers' tickets are paid for with the snack money, and last year we were
given some spending money for our lunch and supper.
Submitted by Barbara Colvin

Field Days
Our 5th grade class have a field day on the next to last day of school.
The kids play all the old favorites such as pass the eraser, peanut in a spoon
race, and a hula hoop obstacle course (we lay the hula hoops down in 2 rows
close to each other and they have to race down the course). We have
freeze pops for a break and then head to the high school track (next door).
They have running races, standing long jump, and running long jump contests.
After lunch, we get together and go to the fields nearby and have wheel barrow
races, a shoe toss for boys and girls (they take off their shoes and put them
in a pile, the boys throw the girls shoes and vice versa--they have to run and
find them and put them on and then race back to the finish line).
Everyone is usually exhausted by the end of the day and we have a fun time.
We keep track
of the winners and either that afternoon or the next day we pass out the
ribbons and enjoy the memories. A couple of times we have had them bring in
white t-shirts and we tie dye them a couple of days before the field day.
Haven't done it in a couple of years, cause it usually rained when we
did it. The 6th graders really remember the fun they had as fifth graders!
Submitted by Ruth Crowley

Talent Show
Joanie and I have a talent show. Everyone must perform. They can
do ANYTHING that displays their talents. they can work alone or
together. It takes no planning on our part and we are all rewarded in
the final production. It is also a nice memory and stage for good-byes.
Submitted by PSMaureen@aol.com

Have a math field day with stations run by parent volunteers
Read Oh the Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss. Then all the kids write a few
sentences about what they'd like to be doing when they grow up, and I type
them up and put them together in a little book that can be autographed.
These are our Sixth Grade End of The Year events:
Major Fieldtrip ..this year to Franklin Science Museum in Phili. ( 3 hours
away) (We chuckle that they are most excited about riding in charter buses
with cushy seats and that we really only have to hire the buses and drive
around the block all day to make them happy)
This is planned down to the minute detail one chaperone for every five
kids, each chaperone is given an itinerary of where to start in the
museum so all start in different places and rotate through in a specific order
and parents have a pre-field trip meeting to discuss objectives and
expectations. Really debated whether to go this year due to 9/11 (we are
located about 15-20 minutes from the Pentagon and travel up and down the
Eastern corridor was restricted by our school district for awhile...had to
postpone the planning and reservations.)
Civil War Day: A day of history related activities with a guest speaker who
reenacts events in character.
Medical Convention; Like a science fair but focused on health and human body
research that the students share with other younger students. They will have
their centers set up throughout the school from 9:30-11:30 in the morning and
will answer questions for visiting children.
Parent Appreciation Tea: Students write essays of appreciation and share poems
that thank their parents for all they do, guest speakers (school board
members, teacher of the year etc) give a talk and a slide show ( use to
involve two programmed slide machines and a dissolve unit, but now uses
computer) that includes baby pictures, pictures from past year and this
events, and a student time capsule is distributed ( gift wrapped shoe box with
“artifacts” of students work that I have kept and a letter that the
students have written to themselves about future goals) This year also
preparing CD of slide show for each family.
Sixth Grade Party:
Lunch, DJ, and games and dancing…various themes throughout the past 12
years…this year Tropical beach theme, Kids receive favors, large class
picture, a Banner pennant, and wear t-shirt that they have designed ( this is
actually given to them in February so it can be worn on fieldtrips etc) . All
student/teacher signatures have been printed on the back and a theme
design done by one of the students (they vote on which design they want)
is on the front. They also vote on the color…helps that they have hand in
all this so they will wear it. Amazing decorations done by parents ( although
this year we have asked that students help and that we put them up early in
the week so ALL the students in the school can enjoy them)
Award Assembly a big deal , parents are invited...almost all departments (PE,
music, band, strings, drama, science, history, math) give awards...some are in
memory of deceased staff members and some are national or PTA awards.
SCA Installation: This years officers run an installation ceremony for new
Traditions- dress up, music, and carry candles ... old officers use their
candles to light candles of new officers and then put theirs out. Small gavel
presented to past president of SCA.
Also have a fieldtrip to the middle school to visit and have lunch. And have
public librarian visit to explain using the library for research next year and
to share new young adult books that they might enjoy reading over the summer.
Submitted by Wendy Goldfein
Our last student day is June 14th and we finish up the 17th.
In May we start theme days on Fridays. Participation is voluntary. We do a
Sports Day, a Backwards Day, a Disney Day, a Twin/Triplet Day etc. and the
kids dress according to the theme. I can't remember the rest now, but
you get the picture. These days are only for the 5th graders since they are
the oldest in our school. They go the local middle school for grades 6-8.
We don't have a graduation ceremony per say-we have an end of the year
celebration and invite the parents. We only give out a few awards-each child
does not get an award. We do one award from each 5th grade classroom for
citizenship, most improved . WE also give out perfect
attendance, straight As and As and Bs all year for all the students that
achieve that.
Submitted by Donna Ingalls