Filmstrip Book Reports

Submitted by: Dawn

One idea for writing book reports is to have the children make filmstrips. I give them overhead transparencies and markers. They are to make a filmstrip of their book.

I usually have them have 7 frames. Frame 1 is the title and author (illustrated of course). Frame 2 will have the main characters. 3 has the setting. Frame 4 has the beginning, 5 middle, and 6 ending. Frame 7 will have a picture that states their opinion. They then present them on the overhead to the class. I usually ask them questions regarding conflict, etc. to make sure they read the book!

The kids love it because it does away with the traditional writing of a report. It is important to stress that artwork does not determine a grade. This way the poor artists still love to do this. Make sure that you show them how to make the frames. I make one on regular paper for them to use to copy onto their transparencies. I find if you don't the kids tend to bring in 7 singular frames instead of one long filmstrip. (Cut the transparency in half and tape together to make one long one) Have fun!

