Form for speech evaluation 


Submitted by:  Barbara D. Martin


The  ____________   speech by  _________________________


The grade you earned  ______


Would you like to do better?

Work on the things with an X, and you can--you will!

You need to improve in the following areas:

Make your speech longer  _____

Stay on the assigned subject  _____

Bring required materials  _____


Material in your speech needs to be more:

interesting  _____

organized  _____

informative  _____

condensed  _____

detailed, with good examples given  _____


Your voice during your speech needs to be:

louder  _____

faster  _____

slower  _____

clearer  _____

without so many pauses  _____

more varied, with better expression  _____


You also need to:

stand straighter  _____

use more hand gestures  _____

look at everyone  _____

spend more time practicing your speech  _____

have an interesting introduction and/or conclusion  _____

listen to others while they are speaking  _____

