The Lion
the Witch and the Wardrobe
Submitted by: Sara

Divide the class up into groups of
three. The entire group will be responsible for the display, but each person
within the group will have a section of research that they will have to do on
their own.
– dark brown
or used matchsticks
cellophane or construction paper
‘fimo’ or modelling substance
This display should be left up to the
individual groups. They should work on a shoebox lid and be given the
instructions as to what to do – this will ensure that they are free to be
On a shoebox lid you are required to set
up a scene from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The scene is a
snow-covered landscape with a stream flowing through it. Trees are scattered all
over and there is a beaver’s dam in the stream. Around and about are various
creatures from the story.
Paint the outside edge of the shoebox in
an earthy colour and make the inside look as life-like as possible.
This is divided up into three sections:
beavers, snow and mythical creatures. Each student takes one of these topics
(they can choose, be assigned the topic or draw one from a hat) and researches
it. They must produce their information in a way that makes it easy for the rest
of the class to access (the group can decide whether to make a chart, booklet,
PowerPoint display, mobile or other suitable form)
Find out about beavers and answer the
following questions:
- What
does a beaver look like? Include a picture (draw your own if you wish!)
- Where
do beavers live? Describe the environment as well as the country names.
- What
do beavers eat?
- When
do beavers reproduce? Give some interesting facts about how many young they
have, gestation period etc..
- How
do they swim?
- For
how long can they remain underwater?
- To
what Class and Order do beavers belong?
- Name
other animals that belong to the same order as beavers.
- Why
has the number of beavers declined over the past few hundred years?
- How
do they build their dams?
- How
does the beaver in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe compare with the
‘real’ beaver?
Find out about snow and answer the
following questions:
- How
does snow form?
- What
do snowflakes look like?
- Find
out about the various kinds of snow e.g. powder snow.
- Find
out what the following things are: snow blindness, snow bunting, snow finch,
snow leopard, snowplough, snowshoes, and snowdrops.
- Find
some other ‘snow’ words and give their meanings.
- Find
out what problems Sir Robert Falcon Scott had with snow.
- Both
Napoleon and Adolph Hitler had problems with snow. What were those problems?
- On
a map of the world, indicate the areas where: a lot of snow falls, some snow
falls, little snow falls and no snow falls. What do you notice?
- Many
countries have festivals, holidays and customs based on snow. Choose five
countries from different parts of the world and explain their festivals,
holidays or customs. Include pictures if you can.
- Do
you think snow is an important element in The Lion, the Witch and the
Wardrobe? Give reasons for your answer.
- List
all the mythical creatures you can find in the story The Lion the Witch and
the Wardrobe.
- Make
another list of all the mythical creatures you can find. Include pictures if
you can.
- Choose
three creatures from the story, and three creatures not in the story and
compare them in as many ways as you can. Suggestions are given below (not
all will be applicable, and you will probably want to add some more of your
- Size
- Country
or area ‘found’
- Good
or bad?
- General
Appearance (include pictures where possible)
- Where
they live (e.g. under a toadstool, in a cave)
- What
they do.
- What
they eat.
- How
they eat.
- Interesting
- How
long they live.
- Make
up a mythical creature of your own. Draw it and give a good description of
It really
depends what you are evaluating for: research ability, ability to put
information together, ability to present information, creativity, grammar,
organizational skills, ability to link information to the novel etc…
You may wish
to add specific steps and evaluate these e.g. you must source all your material,
you must use three different types of reference material (encyclopaedia,
Internet, TV program, CD Rom, or reference book), you must hand in draft copies
of all work…